Friday, September 18, 2009


The ultrasound was scheduled for 2:15 this afternoon, but they didn't even take me back until 2:20 or so. I was not a patient patient... Finally, the doctor joined us at 2:40ish and it was time for another encounter with the dildocam.

Today, finally, was the ultrasound we've been wishing for over the past months.
Today we saw a tiny little embryo (& a teeny tiny little flicker) nestled inside a healthy gestational sac, implanted in just the right spot. The doctor told us he thinks everything looks good and that this will be a good pregnancy for us. I certainly hope he is right!
Today is a good day. Thank you for helping me get here.

The next ultrasound is scheduled for Tuesday, September 29 and, if all continues to go well, I'll be 7+ weeks along by then. Next on my agenda? Chilling out for a bit, enjoying the moment and getting some flu shots.


  1. Woohoo! Glad the screen showed you GREAT news! Heres hoping the news just keeps getting better and better and you get the prize at the end!


  2. Congratulations sweetie! I hope you're able to breath a bit easier now. Sending you lots of love!

  3. Yea for a great ultrasound :D Congrats!

  4. This is wonderful news! Congrats!!

  5. YAY!! I am so happy for you! Now you can try and sit back and enjoy! YOU ARE PREGNANT!! Yahoo!

  6. complaining about five minutes? srsly? thats a little silly.
