Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beta #2

We've made it to now. Crazy, isn't it, how time just slows down when you really want it to speed up? The 44 minutes between 10am when I started expecting a call any minute and 10:44 when the call arrived felt like three hours. I finished breakfast, I cleaned up breakfast, I read an essay, I chatted with two friends online, I washed the tray in the bottom of our toaster oven, I read two blogs about spending less money, I re-freshed my twitter page...

Beta went from 59 to 147.8 in 34.93 hours which is slightly faster than the median doubling time on (which is 35.51). It's still so, so early. At 14 dpo most 'normals' still don't even know they're pregnant.

They had to stick me in both arms to get blood this morning. I guess the vein they've used the other 23859 times this year finally had enough. I'm not complaining though! I'm trying to remain cautious, but feeling good for now.

Thank you for your kind words and support. Thank you so much for understanding the nerves and the waiting and being so kind while continuing to bear your own burdens. Please keep me company as we try to get to Tuesday and then to September 21st and many happy results. If your fingers haven't stiffened from keeping them crossed I'd love to have you keep them crossed a little bit longer!


  1. That's more great news! I'll be praying that you'll get more good news on Tuesday :)

  2. Yay, yay, yay!!!
    This is such great news, I'll cross toes and fingers for you!!!!

  3. Wonderful news! I am so glad for such a great number! Fingers and toes will remain crossed of course! I cant wait to hear another awesome number on Tuesday (which I am sure, it will be).

    Big hugs!

  4. WOOOHOOO!!!!! Great number!!! I've got my fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed for ya, hon!

  5. Great news!! Sending many P&PTs for Tuesday, but those betas are going up nicely so I'm not sure how much you need them! Oh, and if you thought time went by slowly this weekend, that wait for the 1st u/s is soooo slow! ;)

  6. Great news!!! Crossing fingers and sending lots of good thoughts your way!
